What to wear in a sauna?


When planning a visit to a sauna. It’s important to consider the appropriate attire for a comfortable and enjoyable experience. In this article, we will explore what to wear in a sauna. Taking into account factors such as comfort, airflow, and personal preferences. In addition, we will delve into the sauna experience of my family, highlighting their attire choices and insights.


Belief Sauna Etiquette and Cultural Norms

Before discussing what to wear in a sauna. It’s crucial to familiarize yourself with sauna etiquette. And cultural norms of the specific facility you plan to visit. Different saunas may have varying guidelines regarding clothing, nudity, and personal preferences. Respecting and adhering to these guidelines. Will contribute to a positive and harmonious sauna experience. Moreover, being aware of the cultural norms will help you make an informed decision. What to wear, ensuring you feel comfortable and at ease.


Importance of Dressing Suitably for a Sauna Bath

Sauna bathing is not a one-size-fits-all experience. It’s crucial to wear clothing that will support your safety, comfort, and hygiene.


Most saunas have temperatures between 110 and 180 degrees Celsius. Which can cause you to lose sweat and raise your body temperature. According to research, your body uses the regulation of temperature. As a natural means of cooling itself when it is exposed to high temperatures.


However, tight or bulky clothing may block humidity condensation and poorly release heat. This interferes with your body’s capacity to cool down. Raising your risk of heat exhaustion, cramps, and stroke, according to the Cleveland Clinic.


Tight clothing might restrict blood flow, raising blood pressure. And heart rate as well as increasing pre-existing cardiac problems.


Numerous hygienic issues can arise from wearing clothing that isn’t proper for a sauna. Fake clothing, such as cotton or nylon, for example, tends to join when wet. So they will cling to your sweating body rather than drying off as natural fabrics do. Bacterial growth from this may cause infections and rashes.


What to Wear in a Sauna

While there aren’t any strict standards about what to wear in a sauna. You should keep the following points in mind when dressing for a steam session. Wearing loose-fitting clothing made of organic materials like cotton, bamboo, or linen is ideal.

Better air circulation and moisture-wicking qualities are supported by these fabrics. Which helps keep your skin dry even when you sweat. This is important if you want to work a sauna session into your workout routine.


In addition, these materials are softer and more comfortable for the skin. Allowing you to experience the relaxing benefits of a sauna. Furthermore, I decided to combine a towel wrap with a bathrobe for added comfort and convenience. The towel wrap provided coverage and absorption. While the bathrobe offered an extra layer of warmth and relaxation during breaks between sauna sessions.


What to Wear in a Sauna for Men

Most men tend to wear underwear in a sauna. As it provides comfort and modesty while allowing your body to sweat. However, my brother, John, favored a classic swimsuit for his sauna experience. He enjoyed the pliancy and familiarity of this option. The breathable fabric of his swimsuit allowed him to sweat without feeling overheated. However, if you plan on fully embracing the traditional sauna experience or are visiting a sauna that requires specific attire. Here are a few potential options:


  • A swimsuit or gym shorts made of cotton or other natural fibers
  • A towel wrapped around the waist or draped over the shoulders
  • A light T-shirt or a breathable tank top
  • Sauna kilt


What to Wear in a Sauna for Women

When it comes to a woman’s sauna attire. The first step is to consider whether you plan to visit a coed facility or a women-only sauna. For the latter, you can wear just about anything comfortable. Moreover, my sister, Sarah, opted for a comfortable towel wrap. She found it to be the perfect balance of coverage and airflow. The lightweight fabric allowed her to enjoy the sauna’s heat while feeling relaxed and unrestricted. However, if you’re going to a coed sauna or spa or someplace with a certain dress code, consider the following options:


  • A swimsuit or bikini made of cotton or other natural fibers
  • A towel or a sarong
  • A breathable, loose-fitting dress or skirt
  • A light T-shirt or tank top
  • Cotton kaftan or kimono
  • Linen blend spa gown


Sauna Accessories

While they are optional, sauna accessories can improve and add to the comfort and enjoyment of using a sauna. During your workout exercise, you can wear or use the following essentials:


  • A headband or hair tie to keep hair away from the face and neck
  • A water bottle or thermos to stay hydrated and cool down
  • A robe or cover-up to wear before and after the sauna
  • A book or magazine to read while relaxing in the sauna
  • Using smell therapy oils for sauna smell therapy
  • Seat cushions
  • Sauna bench mat
  • Sauna hat
  • Slip-resistant flip-flops or slippers to protect your feet from the hot surface


What Not To Wear in the Sauna

In order to maintain safety, hygiene, and good manners. It’s just as essential to know what not to wear in a sauna as it is to know what to wear. The following is a list of things not to wear in a hot tub or sauna:


1, Steer Clear of Synthetic Fibers

Synthetic fibers like nylon and polyester tend to retain moisture and heat, resulting in overheating and dehydration. Because these fabrics don’t breathe well. They can make you feel sweaty and clammy. Which is not a pleasant sensation when trying to relax. Stick to natural fabrics like cotton, linen, and wool.


2. Choose Swimwear Wisely

If you plan to wear swimwear in the sauna, choose the ones without metal fasteners or decorations. Metal can become hot in the sauna. And may be awkward, causing nasty burns upon coming into contact with your skin.


3. Don’t Wear Makeup

Even though you might be tempted. It’s better to skip this stage of your program when applying makeup in the sauna.


Your body temperature increases and the pores expand when you utilize a sauna. Makeup can become stuck in your skin’s pores and lead to discomfort and breakouts if you wear it. In addition, using makeup may block your skin’s natural cleansing process. And retain substances in it, which may harm both your beauty and general health.


The American Academy of Skin Care advises washing your face. With a mild cleanser after your sweat workout to help avoid breakouts.


Avoid Strong Perfumes

Since you’ll be sweating a lot in a sauna, you’ll want to avoid wearing strong perfume or cologne. The heat and steam from a sauna can react with fragrance molecules. Leaving behind a chemical-like odor that can be unpleasant at best and nauseating at worst.


Certain perfume ingredients, like alcohol, can be harsh on your skin. Especially when combined with sauna sweat. Increasing skin feeling and resulting in irritation or discomfort.


To ensure a pleasant sauna experience for yourself and others. Opt for a more neutral or subtle scent from essential oils. And go without any fragrance at all.


Use Appropriate Accessories


  • Consider before bringing necklaces, bracelets, earrings, or rings into a sauna. Your jewelry may get heated by the sauna’s high temperatures, causing burns or painful discomfort.


  • Heat edema, or excessive body swelling, is something that happens. When you spend much time in a hot tub. Wet atmosphere, according to New York-Presbyterian Hospital.


  • Although moving around in a cooler environment helps with this. It can cause discomfort and make it challenging to take off jewelry such as bracelets, rings, and other fitting items. In a similar vein, it’s wise to avoid bringing your phone into a sauna.


Hygiene Thoughts During Sauna Bath

When taking a sauna bath, make sure you follow these hygiene practices:


  • Take a shower to get off of any sweat, oil, or dirt from your skin before you enter the sauna. This will help keep the environment neat and clean. And allow your skin’s pores to open for the best possible cleansing.


  • During your sauna session, sit or lie on a fresh towel. To avoid making direct touch with the sauna benches. By doing this, the chance of burns and infections can be decreased.


  • To wipe sweat that can leak onto your skin or clothing, have an extra towel on hand. Moreover, to stop bacteria and viruses from spreading, don’t share it with anyone.


  • However, to keep yourself clean, skip socks and shoes in favour of sandals that won’t slide off your feet or go barefoot.


  • Avoid touching surfaces in collective steam rooms. And public saunas to stop the spread of bacteria that cause acne.


  • To remove sweat, toxins, and any bacteria that may have formed on your skin during your sauna session. Take another shower after finishing your sauna bath.


  • Don’t use a sauna until you’re healed. If you have the flu, a cold, or any other active illness, stay out of the sauna until you’re well. This will support maintaining hygiene and halting the spread of infection.



In conclusion, choosing the right attire for a sauna session is crucial for maximizing comfort and enjoyment. Whether you opt for a towel wrap. A swimsuit, or a combination of garments. Sets focus on breathable fabrics that allow your skin to perspire naturally. In addition, always respect and follow the sauna guidelines and cultural norms of the facility you visit. By dressing suitably and considering personal preferences. You can fully immerse yourself in the serenity and renewal that a sauna experience offers.



What is a sauna?

A sauna is a small room or space designed to promote relaxation and well-being through the use of heat therapy. It features high temperatures and low humidity, creating an environment. That induces sweating and promotes various health benefits.


What are the benefits of using a sauna?

Saunas offer numerous benefits, including relaxation, stress reduction, improved circulation, cleansing, muscle relaxation, and potential relief from certain breathing conditions. They can promote healthy-looking skin and contribute to a sense of overall well-being.


How long should I stay in a sauna?

The recommended duration for a sauna session varies. It is advisable to start with shorter sessions of around 10 to 15 minutes. And increase the time as you become more accustomed to the heat. Remember to listen to your body and exit the sauna if you feel awkward or light-headed.


What should I wear in a sauna?

The preferred attire for a sauna session includes lightweight. And breathable clothing such as a towel wrap, bathrobe, or swimsuit. Avoid heavy fabrics that can trap heat and opt for natural fibers like cotton or linen.


Can I use a sauna if I have certain health conditions?

It is essential to consult with your healthcare provider before using a sauna. If you have specific health conditions. Saunas may not be suitable for people with heart disease problems, low blood pressure, or certain skin conditions. Your doctor can provide personalized advice based on your medical history.


Are there any precautions to consider when using a sauna?

While saunas are safe for most people. It is crucial to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Before, during, and after a sauna session. Avoid alcohol and heavy meals before using a sauna. In addition, be mindful of the heat and exit the sauna if you feel dizzy, lightheaded, or awkward.

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