How to Breed Shellbeat: A Comprehensive Guide


Breeding Shellbeats is a captivating endeavor, offering a glimpse into the intricate world of aquatic life. These remarkable creatures are known for their unique traits and distinctive personalities. Shellbeat, the melodious mollusc, is a popular monster in the mobile game My Singing Monsters. It is a Water-Plant-Air-Earth monster that produces a beautiful, haunting song. Many players want to breed Shellbeat because of its unique sound and appearance.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the art of Shellbeat breeding, providing you with a detailed roadmap to nurture and propagate these intriguing aquatic creatures successfully.

Understanding Shellbeat Basics:

Shellbeats, a species of aquatic monsters, possess a distinctive charm that sets them apart from other creatures in the aquatic realm. Comprehending their fundamental characteristics is crucial before embarking on a breeding journey. Shellbeats come in various varieties, each boasting its own set of traits and features. These enchanting creatures, with their captivating shells and alluring colors, make them the ideal choice for enthusiasts seeking an enriching breeding experience.

Shellbeat Biology and Reproduction:

Shellbeat is a quad-element monster in the My Singing Monsters game. It is bred by combining a Plant, Air, Water, and Earth element monster. Shellbeat has a four-stage lifecycle: egg, fry, juvenile, and adult.

Sexual Dimorphism in Shellbeat

Shellbeat males and females are not easily distinguishable by their physical appearance. However, there are some subtle differences in their coloration and behavior. Males tend to be brighter in color and more aggressive than females.

Preparing for Shellbeat Breeding:

Before diving into the breeding process, it’s imperative to create a suitable environment that caters to the needs of Shellbeats. This involves setting up an ideal habitat, closely mimicking their natural surroundings. Proper nutrition and diet are pivotal in preparing Shellbeats for the breeding phase. Additionally, selecting the right parent Shellbeats with desirable traits is a crucial step in ensuring a successful breeding program.

Why do people want to breed Shellbeat?

There are many reasons why people want to breed Shellbeat. Some people breed Shellbeat to complete their monster collection. Others breed Shellbeat to enhance their island’s song. Still others breed Shellbeat to sell for profit.

Shellbeat Mating Behavior:

Shellbeat mating is a complex process that involves a variety of courtship rituals. Males will often sing and dance to attract females. Once a female is receptive, the two monsters will engage in a spawning dance. During this dance, the male will release sperm into the water, which will fertilize the female’s eggs.

Selecting Breeding Stock:

When selecting breeding stock, it is important to choose healthy and fertile individuals. It is also important to consider desirable traits, such as color, size, and song quality. Avoid inbreeding, as this can lead to genetic defects.


Benefits of breeding a Shellbeat:


Breeding combination Primary monsters Secondary monsters
Shellbeat Spunge + Noggin Thwok, Hornacle, Syncopite, Galvana
Rare Shellbeat Shellbeat + Double Elemental Monster Any Double Elemental Monster
Prismatic Shellbeat Rare Shellbeat + Rare Double Elemental Monster Any Rare Double Elemental Monster
Diamond Shellbeat Prismatic Shellbeat + Diamond Double Elemental Monster Any Diamond Double Elemental Monster



You must be at least level 15 to breed Shellbeat. You must also have the Breeding Structure on Water Island.

The Breeding Process:

Shellbeat reproduction follows a fascinating pattern that demands a keen understanding of their biology. Water conditions play a critical role in triggering the breeding process. Careful observation and timing are essential in ensuring that the breeding cycle unfolds as planned. The breeding process offers a window into the enchanting world of aquatic life, allowing breeders to witness the miracle of life in their own tanks.

To breed Shellbeat, you will need a Spunge and a Noggin. You can place these monsters in the Breeding Structure on Water Island. There is a 25% chance of breeding a Shellbeat from this combination.

If you breed a Shellbeat with a Double Elemental Monster, there is a 12.5% chance of breeding a Rare Shellbeat. If you breed a Shellbeat with a Rare Double Elemental Monster, there is a 6.25% chance of breeding a Prismatic Shellbeat. And if you breed a Shellbeat with a Diamond Double Elemental Monster, there is a 3.125% chance of breeding a Diamond Shellbeat.

Breeding Combinations:

Primary: Spunge + Noggin

Possible secondary: Thwok, Hornacle, Syncopite, Galvana

Incubation time

It takes 12 hours to incubate a Shellbeat egg.

Caring for Shellbeat Eggs and Fry:

Once the breeding process is initiated, it’s vital to collect and handle Shellbeat eggs with precision. These delicate orbs of life require a nurturing and secure environment to hatch and develop into fry. The journey from egg to fry is a remarkable transformation, and it necessitates attention to detail in terms of feeding, water quality, and overall care.

Troubleshooting Common Breeding Challenges:

Breeding Shellbeats may encounter setbacks, and it’s essential to be prepared to address these challenges. Failed breeding attempts can be disheartening, but they often present valuable learning opportunities. Additionally, health issues in Shellbeat fry can arise, requiring swift intervention and care. Understanding these potential obstacles equips breeders to tackle adversity with resilience and success.

Crossbreeding and Hybrid Shellbeats:

For the adventurous breeder, the world of crossbreeding and hybrid Shellbeats opens up a realm of infinite possibilities. This artistic approach to breeding allows for the creation of unique and captivating hybrid specimens. Nurturing hybrid offspring demands a specialized set of skills and knowledge, making it an exciting avenue for those seeking to push the boundaries of aquatic breeding.

Breeding for Specific Shellbeat Traits:

The ability to customize Shellbeat traits, such as color variations, size enhancement, and personality traits, adds an extra layer of intrigue to the breeding process. Delve into the world of selective breeding and unlock the potential to create Shellbeats that embody your vision and preferences.

Tips for Successful Shellbeat Breeding:

To achieve success in breeding Shellbeats, it’s imperative to maintain optimal water quality, monitor Shellbeat behavior, and document the breeding progress diligently. These practical tips serve as a guide for both novice and experienced breeders, ensuring a fulfilling and rewarding breeding experience.

Breeding for Profit:

Breeding Shellbeat for profit can be a lucrative business, as Shellbeats are highly valuable monsters. Here are some tips for breeding Shellbeat for profit:

  • Breed high-level Shellbeats. High-level Shellbeats sell for more coins than low-level Shellbeats.
  • Breed Rare, Prismatic, and Diamond Shellbeats. Rare, Prismatic, and Diamond Shellbeats sell for even more coins than common Shellbeats.
  • Use the Wishing Well. The Wishing Well can increase your chances of breeding Rare, Prismatic, and Diamond Shellbeats.
  • Sell your Shellbeats at the right time. The market price for Shellbeats fluctuates over time. It is generally best to sell your Shellbeats when the price is high.



Breeding Shellbeats is a rewarding and enlightening journey into the aquatic world. With a solid understanding of their biology, a nurturing environment, and a commitment to overcoming challenges, breeders can experience the joy of witnessing life’s wonder unfold before their eyes. The allure of Shellbeats and the endless possibilities in their breeding make this endeavor a truly enchanting one for aquatic enthusiasts.


Q: How long does it take for Shellbeat eggs to hatch?

A: Shellbeat eggs typically hatch within 24-48 hours.

Q: What should I feed Shellbeat fry?

A: Shellbeat fry should be fed a diet of live food, such as infusoria and baby brine shrimp. As they grow, you can start to introduce them to other foods, such as microworms and bloodworms.

Q: How do I maintain good water quality in my Shellbeat breeding tank?

A: To maintain good water quality in your Shellbeat breeding tank, you should perform regular water changes and monitor the water parameters. The ideal water parameters for Shellbeat are a temperature of 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit, a pH of 7.0-7.5, and a hardness of 10-20 dGH.

Q: What are some common diseases that can affect Shellbeat?

A: Some common diseases that can affect Shellbeat include ich, velvet, and fin rot. These diseases can be prevented and treated by using a quarantine tank and observing the fish closely for signs of illness.

Q: How can I prevent cannibalism in my Shellbeat breeding tank?

A: To prevent cannibalism in your Shellbeat breeding tank, you should provide the fry with plenty of hiding places and feed them a nutritious diet. You should also remove any dead or dying fry from the tank immediately.

Q: How do I know when my Shellbeat fry are ready for harvest?

A: Shellbeat fry are ready for harvest when they are about 2-3 inches in length. At this size, they are large enough to fend for themselves and are less likely to be eaten by other fish.

Q: How can I safely transport Shellbeat fry?

A: Shellbeat fry can be safely transported in bags of water with a small amount of oxygen added. Be sure to pack the bags carefully to prevent the fry from being jostled around.

Q: Where can I sell Shellbeat fry?

A: Shellbeat fry can be sold to other hobbyists or to pet stores. You can also sell them online through websites like eBay and Craigslist.

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